




肩甲骨の間の背骨が糸で引っ張られているような(背骨が天井に持ち上げられているような)イメージを持つと、背骨の上部が正しい位置に戻りやすくなる、とピエール氏はアドバイスする。 さらに、かかとと足の付け根を一直線にすることで、足の大腿四頭筋も鍛えられる。 かかとを後ろの壁まで伸ばすように意識すると、この姿勢を維持しやすい。


そして呼吸も忘れずに。 「息を止めず、緊張を維持したまま呼吸し、腹筋を柔軟な状態に保ってください」とピエール氏は注意する。 最初は少し違和感を覚えるかもしれないが、この方法だとプランクを長時間キープできる。


ではさっそく、プランクを日常のエクササイズに取り入れてみよう。 以下に、アレマー氏とピエール氏のお気に入りのプランクのエクササイズを紹介する。

  1. 1.Plank on Knees

    If you’re new to planking and can’t hold a traditional plank for 30 seconds, performing planks on your knees is a great place to start, Alemar said. Starting with this variation will allow you to get acclimated to the movement and learn and reinforce proper movement patterns.

    • Start by lying on your stomach with your hands slightly outside your chest.
    • With control, push through the palms of your hands as you extend your arms. Be sure to engage your core and maintain a neutral spine.
    • If you want, lift your feet off the ground to balance on your knees.
    • Hold for 15 seconds. If you’re more advanced, hold for 30 seconds.
  2. 2.High Plank

    This is one of the most popular plank variations and rightfully so. This variation places a greater emphasis on the pectoral and serratus muscles, Alemar said. When performing high planks, make sure your wrists are in line with your shoulders or slightly behind to further engage the serratus muscle.

    • Start by lying on your stomach with your hands slightly outside your chest and your toes tucked.
    • With control, push through your hands and feet, lifting your entire body off the ground simultaneously. Be sure to engage your core and glutes. Your head, spine and legs should be in a neutral position. Your shoulders, elbows and wrists should also be aligned.
    • Be sure not to round or arch your back and to keep the palms of your hands flat on the ground.
    • Hold for 15 seconds. If you’re more advanced, hold for 30 seconds.
  3. 3.Side Plank

    This plank variation is excellent for developing stability in your spine while also challenging the hips and obliques, Alemar said.

    • Start lying on your side with your body in a straight line from head to toe.
    • Depending on your ability, you can either place your forearm on the ground or your hand. If you’re placing your forearm on the ground, make sure that your elbow is in line with your shoulder. If your hand is on the ground, make sure your hand is underneath your shoulder.
    • With control, push through your forearm and hand as you simultaneously lift your hips off the ground.
    • Your body should be in a straight line from head to toe and your full hand or forearm should be on the ground. Be sure to engage your core and squeeze your glutes.
    • Hold for 15 seconds on each side. If you’re more advanced, hold for 30 seconds on each side.
  4. 4.Reverse Plank

    If you’re bored with your current ab routine, take it to the next level with reverse planks, which not only target your core muscles, but also the glutes, hamstrings and lower back.

    • Start seated with your legs bent and your hands behind your glutes with your fingers pointing towards your feet.
    • From here, extend your legs, keeping your heels on the ground.
    • With control, push through your hands as you lift your glutes and legs off the ground.
    • Keep your chin in a neutral position and squeeze through your glutes to maintain proper form.
    • Hold for 15 seconds. If you’re more advanced, hold for 30 seconds.
  5. 5.Plank Kick Through

    Ready to challenge yourself? Try adding plank kick throughs to your routine. This movement is dynamic, and will challenge your core, arm, oblique and hip strength while generating heat throughout your body, Pierre said.

    • Start in a traditional high plank position.
    • With control, begin to shift your weight to the right side of your body as you rotate to the right, bending your left leg at the knee and lifting your left hand off the ground while simultaneously extending the right leg across the body.
    • With control, return to the starting position, then repeat the same movement on the opposite side.
    • This counts as one rep. Perform 10 reps.
  6. 6.Superman Plank

    This plank variation is excellent for all levels, Pierre said. It will challenge your stability in addition to your core and can always be regressed if necessary.

    • Start in a traditional high plank position.
    • With control, simultaneously raise your left hand off the ground and extend it out in front of you as you lift your right toes off the ground. The leg being lifted does not need to come more than a few inches off the ground. Be sure not to shift your weight to the left or right side of your body.
    • With control, place the left arm and right leg back down, returning to the starting position.
    • Repeat on the opposite side.
    • This counts as one rep. Perform 10 reps.
  7. 7.Plank to Squat

    If you like more dynamic, diverse movements, consider adding this variation into your routine. It hits all the muscles a traditional plank would in addition to stretching and opening the hips and activating the glute muscles.

    • Start in a traditional high plank position.
    • With control, either walk or gently jump your feet to the outside of your hands coming into a squat. You can lift your hands off the ground to make the movement more dynamic.
    • With control, gently jump or walk your feet back to a high plank position.
    • This counts as one rep. Perform 10 reps.


ではさっそく、新しい体幹の運動を日常のエクササイズに加えてみよう。 アレマー氏によると、プランクをエクササイズに取り入れるには、前腕プランクとサイドプランクなど2つのバリエーションを選び(プランクの経験がなければ初心者向けプランクが理想)、それぞれ3セットずつ行うのがベストだという。 時間は10秒や30秒など、自由に決めてかまわないが、必ず正しいフォームを意識すること。

30秒間プランクを続けるのが難しい場合は、膝の動きを変えてみるか、時間を短縮するようアレマー氏はすすめている。 また、プランクを30秒キープして3セットできるようになったら、10秒刻みで時間を増やし、1分間のキープに挑戦しよう。 それができたら、より難易度の高いバリエーションに進むといい。

トレーニングプログラムを設計することの楽しさは、さまざまな方法で同じ最終目標に到達できることにある。 ピエール氏のおすすめは、ワークアウトのウォームアップとしてプランクを行い、体幹を刺激して体全体に熱を発生させ、体を温めるといった方法だ。

アレマー氏は、他の複合的なエクササイズ(複数の筋肉群を一度に鍛えるエクササイズ)の間に3番目か4番目の運動としてプランクを取り入れることを提案している。 例えば、スクワット、ローイング、前腕プランクの順に1セットという組み方が挙げられる。



どのバリエーションのプランクでも、正しいフォームで行うことが重要だ。 肩、手首、肘を一直線にし、背骨を平行に保つようにしよう(ただし、お尻は下げること)。



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