Trained Podcast: Fight for Yourself With Nicole Snell


A world’s worth of adventure is waiting for you. Self-defense expert Nicole Snell wants you to be prepared.

Last updated: June 29, 2022
2 min read
How to Defend Yourself While Traveling Alone, According to Nicole Snell

Trained is a podcast exploring the cutting edge of holistic fitness.

The fear of taking a solo trip or even just a late-night walk can be very real — especially for women and people of color. Self-defense expert and Girls Fight Back CEO Nicole Snell has had her own share of scary encounters. But through her passion for going it alone, she’s also had life-changing and life-affirming experiences. Tapping into hundreds of hours of mental and physical self-defense training, she knows how to spot danger and take control of a rapidly changing situation. Now she’s educating others — especially those in BIPOC communities — to do the same. On this episode, she joins host Jaclyn Byrer to break down why self-defense is rarely about eye gouges and groin kicks, explain why you don’t need Karate Kid–level fighting skills to have your own back, and give firsthand testimony on why solo travel is totally worth it.

“The world is a great big place, and if we want to go and explore it, and see it, there's not anything holding us back from doing that.”

Nicole Snell
Self-defense expert and CEO of Girls Fight Back

Have a question about mindset, movement, nutrition, recovery or sleep? Have a suggestion for a guest or topic? Email Jaclyn at [email protected], and she’ll see what she can do.

Originally published: November 4, 2021

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