Sis consells per treure les taques de desodorant

Cura dels productes

En aquests senzills mètodes de neteja es fan servir productes que tens a casa per treure taques resistents de desodorant.

Última actualització: 5 de desembre de 2023
4 min. de lectura

El desodorant pot fer malbé una samarreta. Les marques clares en samarretes fosques i les taques grogues a les aixelles de les peces clares es poden acumular i acabar fent malbé una peça de roba que t'agradava molt.

Però no et desesperis. Abans de llençar una samarreta amb taques de desodorant, prova aquests consells per eliminar les taques persistents.

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  1. 1.Use Nylon Stockings on Fresh Marks

    Immediately putting on a dark shirt after applying deodorant will often leave white marks. Luckily, there’s a quick and effective fix. For dark clothing, try rubbing nylon stockings over white deodorant streaks. Or, try rubbing another cotton fabric, like a dry towel or a clean sock, over the stain.

    Com pots treure les taques de desodorant
  2. 2.Soak in White Vinegar

    A household staple for cleaning, white vinegar can help lift stubborn discoloration and stains caused by deodorant. Before throwing a stained T-shirt into the wash, soak the shirt in a bowl of vinegar for about an hour, then gently brush the stain with a spare, clean toothbrush. Vinegar can be used for both light- and dark-colored clothing.

    Com pots treure les taques de desodorant
  3. 3.Mix Baking Soda and Water

    Baking soda is another household staple that can work magic on stains. Mix baking soda with water until it forms a thick paste. Then, directly apply the paste onto the deodorant stain and allow it to soak for at least 20 minutes before washing it off with hot water. For more stubborn stains, let the paste sit overnight, then wash the shirt in the washing machine.

    Com pots treure les taques de desodorant
  4. 4.Try Water and Lemon Juice

    Just like baking soda, lemon juice can be a strong spot treatment. Mix equal parts lemon juice and water, then pour the mixture directly over the stain. If the shirt is white or light-colored, leave it in the sun for about an hour after applying the mixture. The sun, combined with the acidity of the lemon juice, helps create a natural bleaching effect, which can help remove the discoloration from a shirt.

    Com pots treure les taques de desodorant
  5. 5.Use Hydrogen Peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide helps remove stains on white clothing only, as it could discolor a darker item of clothing. It’s best to use it only on white clothing made of cotton or polyester-blend fabrics. It should not be used on silk, satin or wool materials. To remove deodorant stains using hydrogen peroxide, mix ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide with 2 cups of cool water, then soak the entire garment for at least 30 minutes before a wash cycle.

    Com pots treure les taques de desodorant
  6. 6.Try Store-Bought Stain Remover

    While it can be more budget-friendly to do it yourself, you don’t necessarily have to make your own stain remover. A store-bought stain remover can be just as effective, and it’ll come with instructions on the packaging.

    Remember, the best way to get rid of a stain is to treat it right away, rather than waiting until after the stain sets.

    Note: These tips are meant to remove stains from cotton or polyester-blend fabrics. If an item of clothing is made of more delicate materials like silk, satin or wool, you may want to take it to a trusted dry cleaner.

    Com pots treure les taques de desodorant

Text: Claire Tak

Publicat originalment el: 26 de maig de 2022